Deploying Node app to ECS with Docker

Deploying Node app to ECS with Docker

In this tutorial, I’ll walk you through the steps on how to dockerize a Node.js application and then deploy it to Amazon Web Services (AWS) using Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) and Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS). We’ll do it in follow under: 1) Environment Setup Node and Npm: Follow this link to install the latest versions. Docker: Follow this link to install the latest […]

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AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code

AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code

AWS Toolkit ♦ This extension makes it easier for developers to develop, debug locally, and deploy serverless applications that use Amazon Web Services (AWS). You can use the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code as follows: Develop serverless applications locally, and then deploy them to an AWS account (see Usage). Manage certain supported AWS resources in an AWS account (see Usage). This includes: Listing and […]

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