(Vietnamese) Giới thiệu về các phương pháp trong Technical Writing

(Vietnamese) Giới thiệu về các phương pháp trong Technical Writing

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Debugging AWS Lambda with LocalStack

Debugging AWS Lambda with LocalStack

What is LocalStack? LocalStack is an open-source software development tool that helps you deploy and run applications in a simulated cloud environment on your personal computer or server. It provides a replica of many popular cloud services, such as Amazon S3, AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, and many others. This allows you to develop, test, and debug your applications without having to connect to a real cloud […]

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Nuxt – The Intuitive Web Framework

Nuxt – The Intuitive Web Framework

Introduction Nuxt is an open-source JavaScript framework based on Vue.js. The latest version is currently Nuxt 3. Nuxt 3 is an upgrade from the Nuxt framework based on Vite, Vue 3, and Nitro with support from Typescript. Nuxt simplifies the development of web applications under Server-side rendering (SSR) and Static Site Generation (SSG) methods, in addition to other methods such as CSR, ISR, ESR, and […]

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Creating Test Contents with Generative AI to Publication | Exam Site

Creating Test Contents with Generative AI to Publication | Exam Site

Introduction to Exam Site We operate Exam Site, a platform that tests knowledge across various fields such as programming, AWS, and the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT N3). The site is currently in beta, but if you are interested, you can access it from the link below. Exam Site Methods of Creating Test Content Creating all the questions, answers, and their explanations from scratch is […]

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Sails.js | MVC Framework for Node.js

Sails.js | MVC Framework for Node.js

Introduction Sails.js is a popular MVC (Model-View-Controller) framework built on top of Node.js that simplifies building scalable and real-time web applications. In this tech blog, we will create a web app with Sails.js and set up a MySQL database connection. Additionally, we will compare Sails.js with Express.js, another widely used Node.js framework. Sails.js is actively being used in the wild by companies like Postman, Paystack, and […]

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On June 30, 2023, The General Department of Taxation issued Public Notice 05/CD-TCT about the implementation of Decree 44/2023/ND-CP stipulating the value-added tax (VAT) reduction policy according to Resolution 101/2023/QH15 of The National Assembly. Time Limit For Applying VAT Reduction Policy According To Decree 44/2023/ND-CP The policy of reducing VAT as prescribed in Decree 44/2023/ND-CP is valid from July 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023. […]

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Run load test/performance test with Artillery

Run load test/performance test with Artillery

Introduction What is performance testing? And why should you do a load test? Performance testing is software testing that evaluates how well an application performs under different workloads. This involves measuring various metrics such as response time, bandwidth, and scalability to ensure that the application can handle the expected number of requests from users without degrading performance or crashing. Performance testing can also identify performance […]

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GitHub Copilot Internal Review

GitHub Copilot Internal Review

Since the launch of the ChatGPT service, the use of AI for efficiency improvement and quality improvement has become more active in various industries and tasks. In our company as well, there are some restrictions to prevent leakage of confidential information, but the opportunities to use AI services in business are increasing. Therefore, this time, we had about 10 developers use GitHub Copilot to see […]

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